When: 14. – 15.06.2024
Where: Tauberfeld near Ingolstadt
Extra: Bavarian firefighter festival weekend


Registration open!

Event details

At the FireFit Championships in Tauberfeld in the district of Eichstätt, a Bavarian fire brigade festival weekend with music and traditional costumes awaits you as part of the 150th anniversary celebrations of the Tauberfeld fire brigade. Let’s round off the day in a traditional and cosy atmosphere with live music in the Bavarian marquee right next to the FireFit course.

Complete program of the festival: festival website.

We are looking forward to having you!

Organiser for this event: Festgemeinschaft FFW Tauberfeld e.V./Schützenverein Edelweiß 1954 e.V.

Competition venue and directions

How to get there:

Festwiese between Wiesenstraße and Buxheimer Straße in 85114 Tauberfeld, Germany

Parking information can be found here.

The competition site is 350 metres from Tauberfeld station. The RB Munich-Ingolstadt-Nuremberg stops here.




09:00 h: Registration
10:00 h: Individuals
16:00 h Ceremony

(18 h Beer tapping in the marquee; followed by live music)

09:00 h: Relay qualifications
10:30 h: Tandem
13:00 h: Relay finals

ca. 16:00 h: Ceremony

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